Pet Emergencies
Find treatment fast.
Hillsdale Animal Hospital is fully staffed and trained to triage and treat most non-critical emergencies. Please call us at (336) 281-3344 prior to your arrival so that our medical team can give you immediate advice and so that we may prepare for you and your pet.
If your pet is not a current patient, experiences an after-hours emergency, requires an overnight observation, or we determine they require a level of specialty care that can be better provided elsewhere, we’ll refer you to the closest specialty care or emergency animal hospital.
In case of an after-hours emergency, please contact:
Carolina Veterinary Specialists
1600 Hanes Mall Blvd, Winston-Salem, NC 27103
P: (336) 896-0902
The Pet Poison Helpline is our lifeline for toxic emergencies. If your pet has ingested a toxic substance, please contact the Pet Poison Hotline immediately. They will assign your pet a case number for our staff to reference for medical treatment recommendations. Many of these cases can be treated with minimal patient hospitalization but some require days of 24-hour care and monitoring. It is important that we have the pet poison specialists’ recommendations from the start to ensure the best outcome for your pet.